Sphere Insights Newsletter
January 2023
Resource recovery snapshot
Waste and resource recovery sector activities from Q4 2022.
Cwth Government releases the 2022 National Waste Report: the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water released the sixth National Waste Report in Dec-22. Key findings highlight Australia’s progress against the targets in the National Waste Policy Action Plan is negligible and requires a significant step change in order to achieve these ambitious targets.
TAS Government releases draft Waste Strategy: the Tasmanian Government released the draft Tasmanian Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2022-25 for public consultation in Nov-22. The Waste Strategy identifies objectives to divert waste from disposal at landfill facilities, maximise resource recovery, and improve waste management practices in Tasmania. Written submissions close on 31-Jan-23.
QLD Government releases Recycling and Waste in Queensland Report: the Queensland Government released the 2021-22 Recycling and Waste in Queensland Report in Dec-22. Report findings are collected via the annual waste data survey and monthly waste levy returns from landfill operators, and informs policy development regarding the state’s recycling and waste management activities.
NSW EPA announces joint procurement facilitation services: the NSW Environment Protection Authority announced a $16M joint procurement facilitation service in Nov-22. From 30-Jan-23, local councils across New South Wales will have voluntary access to the joint procurement services, including:
a funding pool of up to $0.5M per joint procurement project to assist local councils access professional advice to jointly procure services
an information service via the NSW Environment Protection Authority website
a panel of qualified experts to advise local councils on waste procurement
an online library of training and guidance materials, accessible on demand.
NSW Government introduces planning policy to prohibit thermal EfW across Greater Sydney: the New South Wales Government introduced a state environment planning policy to prohibit the development of thermal EfW facilities across Greater Sydney in Dec-22, with limited exceptions. The changes immediately impact the pending applications for EfW facilities in Greater Sydney at various stages of the assessment process, which are now likely to be unable to proceed.
EPA Victoria approves development licence for Advanced Recycling Victoria: the Environment Protection Authority Victoria approved the development licence application from Advanced Recycling Victoria in Dec-22 for the development of a plastic resource recovery plant in Altona (VIC), to convert end-of-life plastics into liquid and gaseous hydrocarbon products.
REDcycle soft plastic recycling scheme suspended: REDcycle’s soft plastic recycling scheme was suspended in Nov-22 following an investigation that identified the stockpiling of soft plastics in warehouses across Melbourne. The Environment Protection Authority Victoria announced charges against RG Programs and Services Pty Ltd, the operators of the REDcycle program, with three counts of alleged failure to comply with an EPA Information Gathering Notice.
Aussie Skips charged with alleged waste services cartel offences: the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission announced in Dec-22 that Aussie Skips Recycling and Aussie Skips Bin Services (together Aussie Skips) had been charged with two criminal cartel offences relating to alleged price fixing for demolition waste services in Sydney. Chief Executive, Emmanuel Roussakis, was also charged with one criminal cartel offence for his involvement in the alleged conduct. The allegations will be listed for case management in the Federal Court.
WA Supreme Court dismisses Acciona’s proceedings against Kwinana WtE ProjectCo: the Supreme Court of Western Australia announced in Nov-22 that Acciona’s relief claims arising from a force majeure event against the Kwinana WtE ProjectCo were to be dismissed. Proceedings were previously transferred to Western Australia from the Supreme Court of New South Wales in late 2021.
Woodlawn Advanced Energy Recovery Centre EIS public exhibition closes: the exhibition of the development application and Environmental Impact Statement for the Woodlawn Advanced Energy Recovery Centre ended on 13-Dec-22. Veolia Environmental Services (Australia), as the project proponent, is now responsible for preparing a written response to the issues raised during the public exhibition period.
Delorean Corporation and Palisade Impact enter multi-year development funding partnership: the Delorean Corporation entered into a binding agreement to form a multi-project development funding partnership with funds managed by Palisade Impact Pty Ltd in Oct-22. Subject to a final investment decision for each project, Palisade Impact is proposed to fund 100% of Delorean’s SA1 and VIC1 bioenergy projects, with a right of first offer to fund a further three bioenergy projects.
NSW Government seeks public feedback on Driving NSW’s Circular Economy discussion paper: the New South Wales Government released the discussion paper: Driving NSW’s Circular Economy in Oct-22, seeking community feedback on the proposed expansion of the state’s Container Deposit Scheme - Return and Earn. Public consultation closed on 02-Dec-22, with a report on the consultation outcomes the next step in the implementation pathway.
NSW EPA supports recommendations from the independent review of the resource recovery framework: the NSW Environment Protection Authority responded to the independent review of the NSW Resource Recovery Framework, prepared by Dr Cathy Wilkinson, in Dec-22. Each of the 22 recommendations were broadly supported by the EPA, who will now develop a work program, in consultation with key stakeholders, to implement commitments made in response to the independent review.
Maroondah City Council commits feedstock to Maryvale EfW Facility: the Maroondah City Council announced the commitment of approximately 20,000 tonnes per annum of residual waste to the Maryvale EfW Facility in the Latrobe Valley (VIC) in Dec-22. The project proponents continue to work towards securing the 325,000 tonnes of residual waste feedstock required for processing.
QLD Government hosts a roundtable to launch a pathway for sustainable aviation fuels: the Queensland Government hosted a roundtable on 25-Nov with key industry participants to launch a pathway for Queensland to capitalise on the transition towards sustainable available fuels. The roundtable was reportedly attended by representatives from Boeing, Qantas Airways, Virgin Australia, Brisbane Airport Corporation, Ampol, Australian Sugar Milling Council and Bioenergy Australia.
Water snapshot
Water sector activities from Q4 2022.
NSW Government awards $78M funding to the Phoenix pumped hydro project: the New South Wales Government announced the allocation of $7M in grant funding to the proposed Phoenix pumped hydro project at the Burrendong Dam in Dec-22. Located within the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone, the proposed pumped storage hydro project would create 810MW of firming capacity. WaterNSW previously awarded the contract to ACEN Australia Pty Ltd to develop the project on WaterNSW owned land following a competitive tender process.
Paradise Dam receives $1.2Bn funding commitment: the Paradise Dam Improvement Project will be jointly funded by the Commonwealth Government ($600M) and Queensland Government ($600M). The Federal Budget, delivered in Oct-22, allocated 50% of project funding to restore the dam to its full 300GL capacity.
QLD Government accepts recommendations from the Bradfield Regional Assessment and Development panel: the Queensland Government accepted, or accepted in principle, the eight recommendations provided by the Bradfield Regional Assessment and Development panel following the assessment of the viability of a Bradfield or similar large-scale proposals in Dec-22. In place of unviable large-scale proposals, four smaller Regional Water Grids (Tablelands, Burdekin, Fitzroy, Burnett) were recommended for further investigation.
QLD Government endorses raising of Burdekin Falls Dam: the Queensland Government announced the commencement of works to increase the storage capacity of the existing Burdekin Falls Dam by raising the dam by two metres in Dec-22. A draft Environmental Impact Statement is presently being prepared by the project proponent, SunWater Limited.
QLD Government and local councils to deliver Toowoomba to Warwick Pipeline: the Queensland Government announced in Dec-22 that the Toowoomba Regional and Southern Downs Regional Councils voted in favour of the $300M Toowoomba to Warwick Pipeline project. The proposed pipeline will carry raw water from Wivenhoe Dam and connect with Toowoomba Regional Council’s existing water infrastructure to deliver water to Warwick.
Kidston Clean Energy Hub receives environmental approvals under the EPBC Act: the Kidston Clean Energy Hub, consisting of the 250MW Kidston Pumped Storage Hydro Project, was awarded environmental approvals for the Genex Kidston Connection Project – Matters of National Environmental Significance under the Commonwealth’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999 in Oct-22.
Hydrogen snapshot
Hydrogen sector activities from Q4 2022.
WA Government seeks feedback on the Renewable Hydrogen Target: Energy WA published a consultation paper seeking feedback on the design of a Renewable Hydrogen Target for electricity generation in the South West Interconnected System in Oct-22. This process forms part of the broad Western Australian Renewable Hydrogen Strategy launched in Jul-19. Community feedback closed in early Nov-22.
Iberdrola partners with ABEL Energy to deliver green hydrogen and methanol project: Iberdrola Australia and ABEL Energy announced in Dec-22 that they will partner to deliver a green hydrogen and green methanol production facility in Bell Bay, Tasmania. The proposal, with an estimated capital cost of $1.7Bn, remains subject to further investigations including the feasibility study.
SA Government releases Hydrogen Jobs Plan tender: the Office of Hydrogen Power South Australia released a Request for Proposal in Dec-22 seeking proposals for the delivery of 250MW of hydrogen production, 200MW of hydrogen powered generation and supporting hydrogen storage infrastructure, to be owned and operated by the South Australian Government, on land identified in the Whyalla City Council region, constructed and operating by the end of 2025. The tender was released as part of the South Australian Government’s $593M Hydrogen Jobs Plan. Responses are to be submitted by 21-Feb-23.
Cwth Governments seeks feedback on the Guarantee of Origin scheme : the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water released two separate consultation papers in Dec-22 seeking views on the proposed Guarantee of Origin scheme. Stakeholder feedback must be submitted by 03-Feb-23.
ATCO Australia and Fortescue open WA’s first green hydrogen refuelling station: ATCO Australia and Fortescue Future Industries opened Western Australia’s first renewable hydrogen refuelling station in Dec-22. The refuelling station will be used to refuel ATCO’s hydrogen fuel cell electric fleet as well as other agreed third parties' vehicles such as WA Police.
Government and public sector snapshot
Government and public sector activities from Q4 2022.
VIC Government MoG changes: the Victorian Government has undergone a number of Machinery of Government changes, that came into effect from 01-Jan-23, following the State election in late 2022. Department changes include the establishment of the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, and the Department of Transport and Planning.
Cwth Government 2022-23 Budget: the Federal Budget was delivered on 25-Oct. Key highlights included the investment of $1.2Bn in water infrastructure through the National Water Grid Fund and a further $1Bn for future projects that increase Australia’s water security, reliability and sustainability.
QLD Government 2022-23 Budget update: the Queensland Government 2022-23 Budget Update was delivered on 07-Dec. Key highlights included a $3Bn long-term asset held by the Consolidated Fund, dedicated to future infrastructure in regional Queensland and $1Bn equity contribution into government-owned corporations to support priority regional infrastructure projects.
Sphere at a glance
Sphere activities and updates from Q4 2022.
Sphere has moved to a new address: our Sydney office has moved to a new address in the City Centre - located on Level 17, Angel Place, 123 Pitt Street. Thanks to wonderful clients like you, we have found a modern space that allows us to further our expansion and meet the needs of our team members. We welcome you for a catch up in our new environment and invite you to connect with our team members with any questions.
Sphere’s team is expanding - Expression of Interest: 2022 was a big year for us at Sphere and we are very excited for our strategic growth plans in 2023. If you are interested in joining our senior team of strategic and commercially-minded professionals to accelerate the world’s transition to a circular economy, please connect with us for a confidential discussion.